skip to navigation – site map field actions science reports the journal of field actions en fr home search scope and objectives f ield act ions s cience reports a unique international instrument that provides a platform for spreading good practices of development actions f ield act ions s cience reports the promotion of an essential process of capitalisation of knowledge related to field actions at an international level. f ield act ions s cience reports is an international, free access for both readers and authors, peer-reviewed journal devoted to promoting field-based activities in developing countries and impoverished areas of developed countries. f ield act ions s cience reports is a forum that publishes manuscripts and opinion pieces in the areas of health, economy and development, education, agriculture, and the environment. the main criterion for publication is that the articles describe actions that are useful and can be reproduced. authors are encouraged to send by e-mail presubmission inquiries and manuscripts in ms word format to: editorial conference-debate facts reports paris, 12 july 2016 04 july 2016 special issue 17 | 2017 artificial intelligence and robotics in the city latest texts more about this picture edited by nicolas miailhe nicolas miailhe understanding the rise of artificial intelligence [full text] introduction nicolas miailhe and cyrus hodes the third age of artificial intelligence [full text] ricardo alvarez the relevance of informational infrastructures in future cities [full text] margarita boenig-liptsin ai and robotics for the city : imagining and transforming social infrastructure in san francisco, yokohama, and lviv [full text] laura brimont , mathieu saujot and oliver sartor accelerating sustainable mobility with autonomous vehicles [full text] vol. 9 | 2016 latest texts serge shakanye ndjadi , bite mubalama mirindi , paul musafiri , géant chuma basimine , eloïs cinyabuguma lwahamire and espoir bisimwa basengere evaluation of the productivity of seven varieties of wheat ( triticum aestivum ) through integrated soil fertility management in kaziba, south kivu, dr congo [full text] gabriel teno and jean-joseph cadilhon innovation platforms as a tool for improving agricultural production: the case of yatenga province, northern burkina faso [full text] e. foto , f.c.s ouokodelombaut , c.l. djebebendjiguim , j. songuelebomagayen , n. poumaye and j. mabingui sanitary mapping of well waters in the commune of bimbo in the central african republic (car) [full text] vol. 8 | 2015 latest texts lea rekow fighting insecurity: experiments in urban agriculture in the favelas of rio de janeiro [full text] lutte contre l'insécurité : expériences de l'agriculture urbaine dans les favelas de rio de janeiro combatir la inseguridad : experimentos de agricultura urbana en las favelas de río de janeiro damien wiedmer , pauline jouslin-de-noray , fabiola graveaud and vahid jahangiri socio-economic impacts of the deployment of improved fuel efficient stoves: the ilf uganda commercialization program [full text] conséquences socio-économiques du déploiement de cuisinières à haute efficacité énergétique : programme de commercialisation de l'ilf en ouganda repercusiones socioeconómicas de la utilización de estufas de bajo consumo de combustible mejoradas: el programa de comercialización para uganda del ilf a. kassam , t. friedrich , r. derpsch and j. kienzle overview of the worldwide spread of conservation agriculture [full text] aperçu de la progression de l’agriculture de conservation (ac) dans le monde perspectiva general de la propagación mundial de la agricultura de conservación special issue 13 | 2015 migration and health latest texts shannon gleeson and david lopez-carr special issue migration and health [full text] introduction naomi a. schapiro , susan m. kools , sandra j. weiss and claire d. brindis impact of gender on separation-reunification experiences of latino adolescent immigrants [full text] impact du genre sur les expériences de séparation et de regroupement familial des adolescents immigrés latinos impacto del género en las experiencias de separación – reunificación de los inmigrantes latinos adolescentes loretta hsueh , luz m. garcini , anne q. zhou , vanessa l. malcarne and elizabeth a. klonoff assessment on the use of the suinn-lew asian self identity acculturation scale in health studies of asian immigrant populations [full text] bilan de l'utilisation de l'échelle sl-asia (suinn-lew asian self-identity acculturation scale) dans les études sanitaires sur les populations immigrées d'origine asiatique evaluación del uso de la escala de aculturación de autoidentidad asiática de suinn-lew en estudios de salud de poblaciones de inmigrantes asiáticos luz m. garcini , guadalupe x. ayala , marisa molina , elena quintanar , christopher johansen and richard hector predictors of routine medical care use among mexican immigrants/mexican-americans varying in legal status [full text] variables explicatives de l’utilisation des soins médicaux courants chez les immigrés mexicains/américano-mexicains de statut légal variable modelos de predicción del uso de asistencia médica rutinaria entre los inmigrantes mexicanos / estadounidenses de origen mexicano charlene chang and sarah green "agua con azúcar y un chin de sal": implications of self-care practices and health perceptions of hypertension in the dominican republic [full text] l'hypertension en république dominicaine : implications des pratiques d'autosoins et de la perception de la santé “agua con azúcar y un chin de sal”: percepción de la hipertensión y consecuencias de los remedios caseros en la república dominicana vol. 7 | 2014 latest texts martin obermaier , daniele cesano , thais corral , maria regina maroun , emilio lèbre la rovere , martha barata , ulrike wachsmann and kerstin pfliegner dryland adaptation in northeast brazil: lessons from a community-based pilot project [full text] adaptation des terres arides du nord-est du brésil : enseignements tirés d'un projet pilote communautaire adaptación de tierras de secano en el noreste de brasil: conclusiones de un proyecto piloto basado en la comunidad zeinab safar , mounir w. labib , wegdan lotfi and mohammed h. khalil characterization of contamination around the largest lead smelter in egypt carried out through a cooperation program between usa and egypt [full text] caractérisation de la contamination autour de la plus grande fonderie de plomb d'egypte dans le cadre d'un programme collaboratif entre les etats-unis et l'egypte caracterización de la contaminación alrededor del mayor horno de fundición de plomo en egipto, realizada a través de un programa de cooperación entre estados unidos y egipto jérôme bossuet and mouhsine serrar prakti design: the challenge of clean combustion for the poor [full text] prakti design : le défi de la combustion propre pour les populations pauvres prakti design: el desafío de la combustión limpia para las poblaciones desfavorecidas e. foto , j. malenguinza , b. nguerekossi , abdel boughriet , barbara louche , n. poumaye , j. mabingui , m. wartel and a. montiel elimination of turbidity and bacterial contamination in natural water sources (ubangi river, central africa) [full text] elimination de la turbidité et de la pollution bactérienne dans les eaux naturelles (cas du fleuve oubangui, centre afrique) eliminación de la turbidez y de la contaminación bacteriana en aguas naturales (caso del rio oubangui, áfrica central) amir kassam , theodor friedrich , francis shaxson , herbert bartz , ivo mello , josef kienzle and jules pretty the spread of conservation agriculture: policy and institutional support for adoption and uptake [full text] l’extension de l’agriculture de conservation : un soutien politique et institutionnel pour l’adoption et l’implémentation la expansión de la agricultura de conservación: apoyo político e institucional para su adopción y práctica s